I'm Yuantian Ding, a third-year PhD student at Purdue University specializing in program synthesis and verification under the supervision of Prof. Xiaokang Qiu. My recent research is focused on empowering LLM-based code generation with traditional program synthesis technologies. I have also worked with Zhiqiang Zuo, and Harry Xu on compiler systems.
school Education

Purdue University
- Ph.D. Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Advised by Xiaokang Qiu

University of Science and Technology of China
- B.E. in Computer Science and Technology
- GPA: 3.97/4.3 (Ranked 6/251)
library_books Publication
Enhanced Enumeration of Techniques for Syntax-Guided Synthesis of Bit-Vector Manipulations.Yuantian Ding, Xiaokang Qiu.
(POPL '24) Proc. 51st ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages.
(Conditional Accepted) A Concurrent Approach to String Transformation Synthesis.Yuantian Ding, Xiaokang Qiu.
By (PLDI '25) 46th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation.
business_center Experience
SuperINTRO | Conversational AI Full-Stack Engineer Intern
- Working on AI agents and RAG models using leading LLM frameworks (OpenAI API and Langchain).
- Apply prompt engineering techniques for AI models to improve the relevance and accuracy of responses.
Nanjing University Research Internship
SRI SSFT24 | The 13th Summer School on Formal Techniques
- Summer school for learning techniques based on formal logic. (website)
diamond Projects
DryadSynth Dryad Synthesizer for SyGuS competition
A SyGuS solver designed by Purdue CAP, under active development.
Oomotion A textobject-oriented editor plugin for VS Code
A editing keymap inspired by Vim, Kakoune and Helix. Able to edit code based on text-objects like words, lines, code blocks, etc. With tree-sitter and easy-motion support.
TheoryComboViz Polite theory combination visualizer
HilbertProver A prover for Hilbert system
An Automatic Theorem Prover for
Hilbert System, generating nearly-minimal proofs, with some interesting optimizations.
Chital A secure container runtime implemented in Rust
Course project for my operating system course. Leading 3 other students in a group.
emoji_events Awards
ASC Student Supercomputer Challenge 2021 First Prize
Topic (My Part): Efficient Parallelization of PRESTO
ACM-China International Parallel Computing Challenge 2020 Third Prize
Topic (Final): Efficient Numerical Simulation of Supersonic Underexpanded Thermal Jets
swords Skills
sailing Hobbies
Chanting Favorite Piece: Cherubic Hymn (Kastorsky)
Playing Erhu Favorite Piece: Erquan Yingyue